Results for 'Pablo Alfredo Atencio Noguera'

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  1.  22
    impacto del Giro Práctico de la Filosofía en Argentina, derivas didácticas.Pablo Alfredo Atencio Noguera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-9.
    El artículo nace en el marco de un proyecto de tesis del Doctorado en Filosofía (Resolución N° 0384/2022 – FFHA: “Didáctica vincular en la filosofía como práctica transdisciplinar”), en articulación con la creación de la Cátedra Libre (Resolución N° 096/2021 – FFHA: “El Giro Práctico de la Filosofía”) de la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes, de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina); ambas propuestas pertenecen al autor del presente trabajo, en el cual se pretende problematizar el impacto del (...)
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    Bombardeando patrimonio en el Campo de Tiro Militar de El Teleno : de la sublimación de la naturaleza a la construcción social del patrimonio cultural.Pablo Alonso González & Alfredo Macías Vázquez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (766):a121.
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    Bioética, reanimación cardiopulmonar y donación de órganos en asistolia.Pablo de Lora, Iván Ortega-Deballon, David Rodríguez-Arias, José Antonio Seoane, Alfredo Serrano & Rosana Triviño - 2013 - Dilemata 13:283-296.
    The so-called uncontrolled donation after circulatory determination of death (uDCDD) have been implemented in several countries, including Spain and France, to increase the availability of organs for transplantation. These protocols allow obtaining kidneys, livers and lungs of patients who do not survive cardio-pulmonary resuscitation performed in out-of-hospital settings. Simultaneously with the development and recent proliferation of these protocols, some emergency teams have begun to employ unconventional methods of CPR, with still uncertain but promising results. The coexistence of these two possibilities (...)
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    Alfredo Veiga-Neto y los estudios foucaultianos en educación.Noguera Ramírez & Carlos Ernesto - 2018 - [Bogotá?]: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
  5.  18
    An innovative framework for supporting content-based authorship identification and analysis in social media networks.José Gaviria de la Puerta, Iker Pastor-López, Alberto Tellaeche, Borja Sanz, Hugo Sanjurjo-González, Alfredo Cuzzocrea & Pablo G. Bringas - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (4):589-604.
    Content-based authorship identification is an emerging research problem in online social media networks, due to a wide collection of issues ranging from security to privacy preservation, from radicalization to defamation detection, and so forth. Indeed, this research has attracted a relevant amount of attention from the research community during the past years. The general problem becomes harder when we consider the additional constraint of identifying the same false profile over different social media networks, under obvious considerations. Inspired by this emerging (...)
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    El final abierto del incidente de Antioquía según Pablo en Gal 2, 11-14.Alfredo Delgado Gómez - 2016 - Salmanticensis 63 (1):93-109.
    Este trabajo, quiere considerar retórica y narrativamente el relato de Pablo acerca del conflicto de Antioquía, para proponer como tesis, que el final abierto de Pablo en su descripción del conflicto de Antioquía es una estrategia retórica consciente y deseada, que genera tensión en su auditorio gálata, en orden a presentar la afirmación teológica central de la carta: “somos salvados en Cristo por la fe y no por las obras de la ley”, una tesis que quiere sostener su (...)
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  7. Desde el "Dasein" de Heidegger al "hombre en Cristo" según san Pablo.Alfredo Martínez Albiach - 1969 - Burgos,: Ediciones Aldecos.
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    Diario de lectura de los Escolios de Nicolás Gómez Dávila. Cuadernos III, IV y V, de Ernesto Volkening, edición académica, notas y prólogo de Francia Goenaga, Alfredo Abad y Efrén Giraldo (2023), Universidad de los Andes y Universidad EAFIT, 378 p. [REVIEW]Pablo Andrés Villegas Giraldo - 2023 - Co-herencia 20 (38):333-338.
    Cualquier lector que haya pasado con cierto respeto sobre las líneas escritas en los Escolios tendrá sin más que compartir irremediablemente dos sentimientos con Ernesto Volkening, a saber: primero, la familiaridad que produce el escolio al ser leído a la luz de la tradición occidental; segundo, la necesidad de conectarlo con su propia experiencia vital, como un complemento de su propia historia. Si en cualquier caso “la lectura compromete la vida misma” (Abad et al., 2020, p. XIII), leer a Nicolás (...)
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    Los fundamentos intuicionistas de la Deutsche mathematik: Un intuicionismo racista y anacrónico.Pablo García Nicieza - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:213-233.
    El objetivo del siguiente artículo es profundizar en el estudio de un movimiento pseudocientífico que tuvo lugar durante el III Reich en el campo de las matemáticas conocido como la Deutsche mathematik, tratando de concretar los factores que condicionaron el surgimiento de esta disciplina y en especial la forma en que concebía los fundamentos de las matemáticas, prestando especial atención a la relación con una de las corrientes de la filosofía de las matemáticas más importantes durante la época, el intuicionismo, (...)
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    Un Teólogo Criptoerasmista en el siglo XVI: Fray Juan de Pineda y su diálogo XXVIII.Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez - 2023 - Isidorianum 19 (38):483-500.
    Estudiamos varios conceptos clave en la obra del franciscano Fray Juan de Pineda, especialmente el concepto de ‘gracia justificante’, que se opone teológicamente a las ideas luteranas pero que desarrolla un pensamiento erasmista, afín a Fray Luis de Granada, a Francisco de Osuna y a Bartolomé de Las Casas. Estudiamos también su concepto de ‘lavacro’, procedente de San Pablo y su relación con la interpretación del Padre Nuestro, lo que apunta de lleno a la polémica doctrinal entre Carranza y (...)
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  11. Programa de inmigración en el ámbito de la salud en Cataluña: el papel de la mediación intercultural.Tona Lizana, Àlex Miró, Lluís Granero & Pablo Pérez - 2019 - In R. Mendoza, Estrella Gualda Caballero & Markus Spinatsch (eds.), La mediación intercultural en la atención sanitaria a inmigrantes y minorías étnicas: modelos, estudios, programas y práctica profesional: una visión internacional. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
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    Must hidden variables theories be contextual? Kochen & Specker meet von Neumann and Gleason.Pablo Acuña - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-30.
    It is a widespread belief that the Kochen-Specker theorem imposes a contextuality constraint on the ontology of beables in quantum hidden variables theories. On the other hand, after Bell’s influential critique, the importance of von Neumann’s wrongly called ‘impossibility proof’ has been severely questioned. However, Max Jammer, Jeffrey Bub and Dennis Dieks have proposed insightful reassessments of von Neumann’s theorem: what it really shows is that hidden variables theories cannot represent their beables by means of Hermitian operators in Hilbert space. (...)
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    Logic and Implication: An Introduction to the General Algebraic Study of Non-Classical Logics.Petr Cintula & Carles Noguera - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This monograph presents a general theory of weakly implicative logics, a family covering a vast number of non-classical logics studied in the literature, concentrating mainly on the abstract study of the relationship between logics and their algebraic semantics. It can also serve as an introduction to algebraic logic, both propositional and first-order, with special attention paid to the role of implication, lattice and residuated connectives, and generalized disjunctions. Based on their recent work, the authors develop a powerful uniform framework for (...)
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  14. Varzi on Supervaluationism and Logical Consequence.Pablo Cobreros - 2011 - Mind 120 (479):833-43.
    Though it is standardly assumed that supervaluationism applied to vagueness is committed to global validity, Achille Varzi (2007) argues that the supervaluationist should take seriously the idea of adopting local validity instead. Varzi’s motivation for the adoption of local validity is largely based on two objections against the global notion: that it brings some counterexamples to classically valid rules of inference and that it is inconsistent with unrestricted higher-order vagueness. In this discussion I review these objections and point out ways (...)
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    Cultura política y perdón.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya (ed.) - 2002 - Bogotá: Centro Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
    Política y perdón / Jacques Derrida / - Hacia una cultura del perdón / Christian Schumacher / - La práctica del perdón en el judaísmo, el cristianismo y el Islam / - Alfredo Goldsmith / - La cultura del perdón como factor de construcción social / Oscar Lara Melo / - Venganza y transformación. Notas para una antropología de la venganza / Roberto Pinesa Camacho / - Venganza y cultura en Bogotá / Arturo Laguado / - El perdón jurídico (...)
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    Inferences and Metainferences in ST.Pablo Cobreros, Paul Egré, David Ripley & Robert van Rooij - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (6):1057-1077.
    In a recent paper, Barrio, Tajer and Rosenblatt establish a correspondence between metainferences holding in the strict-tolerant logic of transparent truth ST+ and inferences holding in the logic of paradox LP+. They argue that LP+ is ST+’s external logic and they question whether ST+’s solution to the semantic paradoxes is fundamentally different from LP+’s. Here we establish that by parity of reasoning, ST+ can be related to LP+’s dual logic K3+. We clarify the distinction between internal and external logic and (...)
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  17. Relativismo Cognitivo E Historicidad: (Dilthey, Collingwood, Gadamer).Pablo Arnau - 1997 - Universitat de València.
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    The Political Representation of Nonhuman Animals.Pablo Magaña - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (4):665-690.
    This article provides a survey of the emerging debate on the political representation of nonhuman animals. In Section 1, I identify some of the reasons why the interests of animals are often disregarded in policy-making, and present two arguments why these interests should be considered. In Section 2, I introduce four institutional proposals that have been discussed in the relevant literature. Section 3 attempts to make explicit the underlying logic of each proposal (i.e. which specific problems it wants to tackle). (...)
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    Higher-level Inferences in the Strong-Kleene Setting: A Proof-theoretic Approach.Pablo Cobreros, Elio La Rosa & Luca Tranchini - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1417-1452.
    Building on early work by Girard ( 1987 ) and using closely related techniques from the proof theory of many-valued logics, we propose a sequent calculus capturing a hierarchy of notions of satisfaction based on the Strong Kleene matrices introduced by Barrio et al. (Journal of Philosophical Logic 49:93–120, 2020 ) and others. The calculus allows one to establish and generalize in a very natural manner several recent results, such as the coincidence of some of these notions with their classical (...)
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  20. The Capability Approach and the Debate between Humanist and Political Perspectives on Human Rights. A Critical Survey.Pablo Gilabert - 2013 - Human Rights Review 14 (4):299-325.
    This paper provides a critical exploration of the capability approach to human rights (CAHR) with the specific aim of developing its potential for achieving a synthesis between “humanist” or “naturalistic” and “political” or “practical” perspectives in the philosophy of human rights. Section II presents a general strategy for achieving such a synthesis. Section III provides an articulation of the key insights of CAHR (its focus on actual realizations given diverse circumstances, its pluralism of grounds, its emphasis on freedom of choice, (...)
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    Perdurance, Endurance, and 'Having a Property Atemporally'.Pablo Rychter - 2008 - Metaphysica 9 (2):159-171.
    In this paper, I argue that both perdurance theory and the ‘relations-to-times’ endurantist view rely on an atemporal notion of property instantiation and relation bearing. I distinguish two possible meanings of ‘atemporal’ which result in two different understandings of what it is for an object to have a property or to bear a relation atemporally. I show that standard presentations of the theories considered are indeterminate as to which of these two understandings is the intended one. I claim that even (...)
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    Improving the “Leader–Follower” Relationship: Top Manager or Supervisor? The Ethical Leadership Trickle-Down Effect on Follower Job Response.Pablo Ruiz, Carmen Ruiz & Ricardo Martínez - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):587-608.
    Since time immemorial, the phenomenon of leadership and its understanding has attracted the attention of the business world because of its important role in human groups. Nevertheless, for years efforts to understand this concept have only been centred on people in leadership roles, thus overlooking an important aspect in its understanding: the necessary moral dimension which is implicit in the relationship between leader and follower. As an illustrative example of the importance of considering good morality in leadership, an empirical study (...)
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  23. Frames of Discovery and the Formats of Cognitive Representation.Alfredo Vernazzani & Dimitri Coelho Mollo - forthcoming - In Gualtiero Piccinini (ed.), Neurocognitive Foundations of Mind. Routledge.
    Abstract: Research on the nature and varieties of the format of cognitive representations in philosophy and cognitive science have been partly shaped by analogies to external, public representations. In this paper, we argue that relying on such analogies contributes to framing the question of cognitive formats in problematic, potentially counterproductive ways. We show that cognitive and public representations differ in many of their central features, making analogies to public representations ill-suited to improving our understanding of cognitive formats. We illustrate these (...)
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    What is the Status of the Hardy-Weinberg Law within Population Genetics?Pablo Lorenzano - 2014 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 17:159-172.
    The aim of this paper is to further develop van Fraassen’s diagnosis, expanding a previous analysis of the fundamental law of classical genetics and the status of the so-called ‘Mendel’s laws’.6 According to this diagnosis the Hardy-Weinberg law: 1) cannot be considered as axiom (or fundamental law) for classical population genetics, since it is a law that describes an equilibrium that 2) holds only under certain special conditions, and 3) only determines a subclass of models, 4) whose generalized form (and (...)
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    Ateridad y Paternidad en Descartes / Alterity and Parenthood in Descartes.Pablo Pavesi - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 60.
    The problem of alterity can be posed in two areas: a) that of absolute alterity, which Descartes develops in the Third Meditation when the ego discovers himself as a negation of infinite and an aspiration to the infinite; b) that of relative alterity that distinguishes me from my fellow man. Firstly, we risk a synthesis of the ways in which the alter ego loses his otherness when conceived as an object of representation or desire. Secondly, we propose that Descartes thinks (...)
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    Berkeley, Bergson e William James: o empirismo concreto de Franklin Leopoldo e Silva.Pablo Enrique Abraham Zunino - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):114-124.
    This text proposes an interpretation of the work of Franklin Leopoldo e Silva based on the reading of some of his numerous published articles and books, without neglecting the classes and guidance received from the stage of Scientific Initiation to Postdoctoral studies. Precisely, by highlighting the importance of three thinkers widely studied by Professor Franklin – Berkeley, Bergson and William James –, we suggest that at the heart of this philosophical experience there would be a constant: empiricism. Whether in the (...)
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    Moderation as a Moral Competence: Integrating Perspectives for a Better Understanding of Temperance in the Workplace.Pablo Sanz & Joan Fontrodona - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):981-994.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the virtue of temperance as a moral competence in professional performance. The analysis relies on three different streams of literature: virtue ethics, positive psychology and competency-based management. The paper analyzes how temperance is defined in each of these perspectives. The paper proposes an integrative definition of temperance as “moral competence” and summarizes behaviors in business environments in which temperance plays a role.
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    Voces y silencios de la tierra en la composición polifónica de las geografías ético-poéticas sur-sur.Ana Patricia Noguera De Echeverri, Diana Alexandra Bernal Arias & Sergio Manuel Echeverri Noguera - 1970 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 21:33-54.
    La composición polifónica musical nos permite hablar de la emergencia, en el sur y desde el sur que somos, de Voces de la Tierra, que han susurrado, cantado, llorado o gritado el dolor producido por las maneras de habitar humanas construidas en la modernidad cosificadora de la tierra y del mundo de la vida, modernidad mercantil, industrial y global cuya ética se ha reducido a valores absolutamente euro-antropo-racional-centristas, permeados por el valor supremo del capital. En este artículo, emergente de pensadores (...)
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    The tension between Aristotle's theories and uses of metaphor.Alfredo Marcos - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 28 (1):123-139.
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    Presença, Virtualidade e Emoção: Perspectivas Temporais Em Torno Do Bergsonismo.Pablo Enrique Abraham Zunino - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):14-30.
    Este artigo examina a relação entre subjetividade e vontade à luz de alguns resultados parciais obtidos em nossa pesquisa sobre a filosofia de Henri Bergson, cujo carro-chefe é a noção de “duração”. Pensar a subjetividade a partir da duração significa admitir que a transição ininterrupta que vai do passado para o futuro passando pelo presente é a temporalidade atuando no nível mais simples de nossa relação com o mundo. Destacamos a subjetividade a partir da duração porque já na percepção estamos (...)
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  31. Durkheim and Weber: Methodological Reflections for Management and Business Studies.Alfredo D'angelo & Federico Zuolo - 2009 - Philosophy for Business 54.
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    Wilhelm Röpke y la Espiritualidad Del Neoliberalismo.Pablo Martín Méndez - 2017 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 18:112-146.
    ¿Qué entendemos hoy por “neoliberalismo”? Si bien hay varias formas de contestar tal pregunta, la respuesta más frecuente consiste en asociarlo con la aplicación de un conjunto de medidas estrictamente económicas; de hecho, se dice que los neoliberales, casi por defecto congénito, no pueden pensar la realidad más allá de los números y las recetas abstractas. Siguiendo el método arqueológico-genealógico de Michel Foucault y de algunos de sus intérpretes contemporáneos, el presente artículo buscará revisar y en lo posible ampliar aquella (...)
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  33. Review: Sasso, The Fragmented Will – Kant on Evil.Pablo Muchnik - 2004 - Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science (unknown):unknown.
  34. Luigi Pareyson (1918-1991); verdad y persona: personalismo, estética, hermenéutica y saber filosófico.Pablo Blanco Sarto - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (85):77-100.
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    Distanz.Pablo Schneider - 2017 - In Pablo Schneider & Marion Lauschke (eds.), 23 Manifeste Zu Bildakt Und Verkörperung. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 53-62.
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    Level of Coherence Among Ethics Program Components and Its Impact on Ethical Intent.Pablo Ruiz, Ricardo Martinez, Job Rodrigo & Cristina Diaz - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):725-742.
    Three ethics program components, a code of ethics, ethics training initiatives and ethics-oriented performance appraisal content, were examined for their relationship to ethical intent using a sample of 525 employees from the Spanish financial services industry. As expected, all three components contributed to the prediction of ethical intent. Importantly, clusters of employees who reported experiencing distinct combinations of the program components were identified and compared for their level of ethical intent. Employees who perceived all three components to be strongly implemented (...)
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  37. Social Support Mediates the Effect of Burnout on Health in Health Care Professionals.Pablo Ruisoto, Marina R. Ramírez, Pedro A. García, Belén Paladines-Costa, Silvia L. Vaca & Vicente J. Clemente-Suárez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion and caused by exposure to excessive and prolonged stress related to job conditions. Moreover, burnout is highly prevalent among health care professionals. The aim of this study is, first, to examine the mediating role of social support over the effect of burnout in health care professionals and, second, to explore potential gender differences. A convenience sample of 1,035 health professionals from Ecuador, including 608 physicians and 427 nurses, was surveyed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory, (...)
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  38. Should discourse ethics do without a principle of universalization?Pablo Gilabert - 2005 - Philosophical Forum 36 (2):183–191.
  39. Rawls y el pricipio aristótelico. Una aproximación a la idea de bien en A Theory of Justice.Pablo Aguayo Westwood - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 156 (LVIII):129-143.
    Con la finalidad de fundamentar y reforzar su teoría de los bienes primarios, J. Rawls introduce, en el §65 de Una teoría de la justicia, la idea de “principio aristotélico”. Se discuten las dificultades que implica aceptar dicha noción, así como las limitaciones de la idea de bien que subyace en dicho principio. Se busca mostrar que la concepción de bien que Rawls presenta allí padece de “insuficiencia moral” y se defiende la tesis de que su aproximación a la idea (...)
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    The semantic view of computation and the argument from the cognitive science practice.Alfredo Paternoster & Fabrizio Calzavarini - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-24.
    According to the semantic view of computation, computations cannot be individuated without invoking semantic properties. A traditional argument for the semantic view is what we shall refer to as the argument from the cognitive science practice. In its general form, this argument rests on the idea that, since cognitive scientists describe computations (in explanations and theories) in semantic terms, computations are individuated semantically. Although commonly invoked in the computational literature, the argument from the cognitive science practice has never been discussed (...)
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    .Pedro Pablo Serna - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 25 (25):1-5.
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    filosofía de la ciencia en España durante el siglo XX.Alfredo Marcos - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 63:177-201.
    El presente artículo se propone servir como base para historiar el desarrollo de la filosofía de la ciencia en España durante el siglo XX. La institucionalización de la filosofía de la ciencia en España fue más tardía que en otros países occidentales. Se fragua a partir de los años setenta del siglo XX. Podemos decir que fue uno de los frutos del periodo de la Transición, durante el cual España se reintegró plenamente a la comunidad internacional, también en estos temas (...)
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    Otra vuelta de tuerca: la filosofía analítica en Iberoamérica.Pablo Quintanilla - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (71):153-166.
    Ésta es una contribución al debate originado por Guillermo Hurtado y proseguido por Manuel García-Carpintero y Horacio Luján Martínez, con relación al sentido y a los objetivos de la filosofía analítica, especialmente en Iberoamérica. En ella se defiende que las tesis de Hurtado también se pueden aplicar al cultivo de filosofías no analíticas, pues en realidad conciernen a la filosofía profesional que se practica dentro y fuera de Iberoamérica. Se sostiene, además, que si bien la profesionalización y la masificación de (...)
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    El sujeto impropio: identidad, reconocimiento y autonomía.Pablo López Alvarez - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 34:23-43.
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    Identidad y conciencia. Consideraciones en torno a la Dialéctica negativa de Adorno.Pablo López Alvarez - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 30:185-204.
    The main goal of this article is to present Negative Dialectics as a central theme in the Adorno’s thought. In this work Adorno develops the antinomies that there are in the concept of instrumental reason, in order to assert the necessity for a new notion of rationality: a dialectical, negative and materialistic reason, which holds, at the same time, the non identity between subject-object, thought and reality. In this way Philosophy becomes critique of Idealism because this philosophical system defends the (...)
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    El sentido del hombre en el universo.Antonio Blanch & Alfredo Tiemblo (eds.) - 1999 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    Este volumen recoge las ponencias, comunicaciones y coloquios que se ofrecieron en la última reunión organizada por la Asociación Interdisciplinar “José de Acosta” (ASINJA). El tema vertebrador, como indica el título, es el sentido del hombre en el Universo. La toma de conciencia de sí mismo y del Universo en el que se encuentra inmerso, hacen platearse al hombre una serie de preguntas sobre el sentido de las cosas, o sobre el por qué y el para qué de la propia (...)
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    I fondamenti di una teoria filosofica dell'indeterminazione.Alfredo Maria Bonanno - 1968 - [n. p.],: Studi e ricerche.
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  48. Foucault furioso.Pablo Lópiz Cantó - 2008 - Laguna 23:51-62.
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    Across the ancient philosophical world: essays in comparative philosophy.Alfredo P. Co - 2015 - Manila, Philippines: UST Publishing House.
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    Doing philosophy in the Philippines: the Thomasian Collection Vol. 1.Alfredo P. Co (ed.) - 2020 - Manila, Philippines: UST Publishing House.
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